Joanne Leonard photo by Eleanor Rubin, 1990s
Joanne Leonard is the Diane M. Kirkpatrick and Griselda Pollack Distinguished University Professor of Art and Women's Studies and a faculty associate in the Program in American Culture at the University of Michigan. She completed her 31st year on the Faculty at University of Michigan and her 40th year of life as a college professor in May of 2009 when she retired from teaching. Her artistic and scholarly life continue with focus on feminist photography and visual memoir. During her tenure at University of Michigan, Prof. Leonard was Director of the Program in Visual Culture at the Institute for Research on Women and Gender for three years. Her presentation Marlene and Me in Changing Focus: Family Photography & American Jewish Identity can be seen at The Scholar and Feminist Online in the webjournal of Barnard’s Center for Research on Women. Her photography and collage pieces are often exhibited nationally and internationally. Publications in fine arts, feminist criticism and cultural analysis include: Janson's History of Art; Gardener's Art Through the Ages; Pregnant Pictures: The Work of Women in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction; Light Writing & Life Writing, Photography in Autobiography; Time Life's Library of Photography and Lucy Lippard's From the Center.